Directed by Anne Tubis
Music Director Katherine
Costumes by Joanna

Many of these costumes were pulled or bought. I lucked out by finding the duckling dresses right away at Walmart. The mom, dad, and Ugly were all pulled/consignment store finds.

A snippet of my costumes over the past few years.
Dress Rehearsal bows. This is a good shot of the Witch's sleeves that my mother graciously attached white feather boas to the sleeves of this beautiful dress she made of a polyester satin. The snowflake crown we borrowed from the Eastern Nazarene College Theatre Department. Aslan's outfit was an African outfit we found laying around backstage and the headpiece we ordered off ebay. I was going for a Lion King effect with that.
I was partial to the Unicorn costume. I made that one without a pattern, so I was proud of myself. It was a sheer chiffon with ruffles. I added purple flowers for buttons and put the fabric and flowers around the unicorn mask as well. The mask was painted, glittery and also had some yarn from the tail coming down the back for a mane. I knitted scarves for the tails for the unicorn, beavers, and centaur. For most of the animals we used unitards with dress overlays. You can also sort of see on Susan her skirt which we made. Cast Photo
Father Christmas. This one we used a pattern for and my mom did most of the work on this one. It was red velvet and fur trim of the same fabric used for Mr. Tumnus' pants. We ordered the beard and wig from Lacey's wigs.
Centaur. I found awesome embroidered suede fabric for these pants. The vest made her look a little more masculine and she ended up wearing a wig over her pony tail that made her hair look more like a mane. I let her keep those sparkley shoes that I had.
Fenris Ulf. I made all the wolves fur pants which they wore blue shirts and their masks with. I wanted the army to be in greys and blues.
White Stag. White feathers, glitter and some glittery pipe cleaners made this mask. The silver tunic over a white leotard and palazzo pants made for an effective, but simple costume.
This is what the birds looked like. I attached strips of fabric cut like feathers to t-shirts that I fabric painted feathers onto. This was an owl. There was also an eagle which you can see in photos below.
Mr. Beaver. I was so excited when I found this fabric, it gave the effect of wet fur! If you look closely you can see the tail I knitted and then wove wire through so it would keep its form.
The White Witch. My mom did the majority of the work on the dress from a pattern. I made the staff out of a dowl, christmas decorations, paint, glitter, fabric, ribbons, and jewels.
Edmund was a girl we wigged. Her outfit here was from Goodwill and H&M.
Mr. Tumnus. Similar concept to the wolf costumes. This fabric shed like crazy, but had an amazing texture. The scarf, shirt, and leggings were bought.
The beginning of the battle gives you an idea of the boys battle costumes as well as some of the animals.
The Witch's Army with the wolves down front. These were mostly costumes we ordered that looked creepy and went with the grey, white, blue, and black color scheme I wanted everyone affiliated with the witch to have on.
The Animals/Aslan Followers-unitards, fabric paint, dresses, masks, much more colorful
Zebras, Snow leopard, Tigers, Eagle, Leopard, Gazelles
Wood Nymphs. We ordered the peacock unitards and I made the dress overlays out of watery looking fabric with no pattern.
The fur coat was borrowed.
Anne's opening outfit, courtesy of Emerson, with my star attached. I had to research exactly what the stars looked like, their size, what they said, and where they were worn.
The director's concept was that everything in the past section of the show be in sepia tones like an old photograph.
This is in color and therefore from the opening scene where Mr. Frank finds Anne's diary.
This was actually towards the end of the show.
Mr. Dussel, Peter, Mr. Van Daan, Anne, Mrs. Van Daan, Margot
The entire cast.
Everyone needed pajamas, many of these came from Goodwill.
I worked on random hems and pieces of costumes for The Skin of Our Teeth.
Directed by Eunice Ferreira
costumes by Jenna Lourenco. She had me make the mittens and footsie things out of fur. I also knitted parts of this sweater.
She had me stamp the leaves onto these vinyl dinosaur pants.
The Cast of Bocon! with the director. Everyone is in their opening peasant costumes. Many of these skirts and shirts I made from patterns. One or two of them, including that orange dress were pulled from our stock.
La Llorona and Miguel, with a peasant/tree behind them. La Llorona's dress was assembled by Jenna Lourenco who helped me out at the last minute. Miguel's pants we pulled and the shirt was altered and trim added.
The Voicepicker was one of my favorite costumes. I took a dress we had and added the metallic fabrics and yarn to make her look more like a sea creature.
The Calabrara/Skeleton was another one of my favorites. It was simply black leggings and a turtleneck that I fabric painted a skeleton onto.
You can see a bit more of La Llorona's train, I was pressed for time, and had a ton of help from our previous designer, Jenna, on this one. She took my design and a dress we had and ran with it. Amazing! Thank you!
Another one of the Voicepicker.
When I get to a scanner I will scan my sketches and photos of all the other characters. The wolf wore green pants my sister made, green jacket, and a pink vest I made. The voicekeeper had a collection of medals I pulled together with a cape and military boots.
Miguel's family of peasants wore peasant blouses and skirts of complimenting colors and his father (the only guy in the first photo shown above) had a similar style outfit with a hat my sister got in Mexico.