The past couple years of costumes at Charis Performing Arts.
These aren't even half of the shows, but it's something for the moment.
The main characters in the Snow Queen (Fall 2012)
from L to R: Angel, Raven(minus mask), angel, princess, Gerda, Snow Queen, Kai, Little Robber Girl, Grandma (minus grey hair), and snowflake. All costumes were from Goodwill, pulled or borrowed.
Esther, King Xerxes, Malthace, and Haman from For Such a Time as This: the Story of Esther. (Spring 2013)
Queen Vashti and attendants from For Such a Time as This. These were leotards with skirts and sleeves sewn on and the kids placed their own jewels and ribbons on their costumes.
Gypsy, Everyman, and Clown from a circus version of Everyman (Spring 2012)
A ballerina, strong man(woman), clowns, and juggler in Everyman in the Circus of Life
Little Women we borrowed amazing costumes from the Kids Connection in Clinton. (Fall 2011)